Back in July 2013, I wrote about my favorite private hot tub room at Watercourse Way, One Pine. I waxed rhapsodic about the room’s amenities and décor, arguing that it is truly the “one room to rule them all” (which, to be fair, is all a matter of opinion, as fans of Six Dragonflies, Eight Stars and Nine Bats have been quick to point out).
Related: One room to rule them all
Recently, though, I have been having One Pine withdrawals, as the room has been shuddered over the past few months to undergo major renovations. Clients have been inquiring about the status of One Pine daily, and I’m excited to announce that the wait is finally over. One Pine officially re-opened Nov. 21.
Relief and enthusiasm washed over me when I first stepped foot in the new-and-improved One Pine. While the room has been updated beautifully and the amenities have been upgraded, the room’s tranquil décor and overall “zenergy” have not diminished. The room features a brand new teak hot tub and cold plunge. The sauna was replaced with a brand new cedar sauna and new heater. And, to polish things off, the wood and tile throughout the room have been re-finished.
Now there is only one thing missing: You. As the winter weather rears its chilly head and the holidays approach with haste, there is no time like the present to give the revitalized One Pine a test spin. Try out the new hot tub and/or cold plunge, detox in the sauna and simply relax in the serene space. The wait has been worth it.