Ice911, a Silicon Valley-based nonprofit founded by Stanford consulting professor Dr. Leslie Field, is working to mitigate climate change by restoring ice in the Arctic.
“We can preserve Arctic ice by spreading our eco-safe reflective sand on top of ice in a strategic location of the Arctic,” the organization states on its website. “The sand is low-cost, scalable, and safe for all. Applied in a specific location of the Arctic, it can restore the Earth’s natural heat shield, rebuild wildlife habitat, and help stabilize global climate.”
Ice911 has been working to restore Arctic ice for more than 10 years, and in that time it has focused on five “defining principles,” such as to “do no harm” and “work with full transparency and permission.”
“Our goal is to see the Arctic restored to its important role in keeping the planet cool,” the organization states as part of its “don’t give up” principle. “We have been working on this diligently for a decade, and will continue to do so until the goal is met.”